Monday, 1 September 2008

St. Petersburg

Hello and greetings from our first destination, St. Petersburg!
After a super early start from Tampere on Friday morning we arrived here around 2pm and successfully managed to navigate the St Petersburg metro and find our way safely to the hostel. We kept ourselves entertained on the train by trying to master the cyrillic alphabet which has proved to be really useful!

Since then we have done A LOT of walking around but managed to cover all the main sights: Nevsky Prospekt, Peter and Paul's Fortress, the Hermitage, the Church of the Resurrection of Christ, a.k.a. Saviour on the Spilt Blood, St. Isaac's cathedral, Alexandrovskiy gardens...
The Hermitage was a wonderful experience. I wasn't so sure if it would be worth it since neither of us are huge art fans, but just being inside the Winter palace and looking at the interiors was fantastic, and we had fun deciding what we would do with the rooms "if we were tsars" :-)
Our feet are aching with all the walking, and I'm really amazed at how well the Russian ladies cope, since their heels are at least 3 inches higher than mine!

Today we have arranged to go to a Russian banya (Russian equivalent of sauna) with some other guests in our hostel. I'm looking forward to finding out if it's any different to the Finnish sauna. And then tonight we are heading off to Moscow on the night train.


Anonymous said...

Hi there Julie and Mikko, you made it! Enjoy your freedom and all the wonderfull moments. Miss you already, but I am happy you finally did it.

Big wet milky kiss from Anneli ;-*


PS: Julie, dont copy the Russian ladies footwear 8-/

Anonymous said...

Hi there, thanks for sharing your blog and congratulations on making it to the first country. I can't wait to read your posts and to see you here in a year or so. Good luck and enjoy the trip! Ági

Anonymous said...

PS: Julie, dont copy the Russian ladies footwear 8-/

PS2: I am pretty sure Mikko might want to try ...


Anonymous said...

Hi Julie & Mikko!

Thanks for sharing your blog, I will be a regular visitor here! Enjoy your new experiences!


Anonymous said...

Cheers for making it to the first leg of the trip! I'm sure you'll have a great adventure.

Anonymous said...

Martin from the couch (where he is busy petting Hanna),wishes you to keep good spirit and enjoy the best it can be! He is holding fingers for you.

on behalf of Martin Anu

Anonymous said...

i'll keep an eye on this page. thanks for sharing it. bon voyage!

Anonymous said...

Hi there, I have this site in my favorites now, it will be exciting to follow your trip. :) Have an excellent trip and take care.

All the best to you.